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Liability waiver

I choose to participate in the yoga class offered by Zoia Yoga Wellness, LLC, and recognize that the yoga classes require physical exertion which may cause physical injury. I am fully aware that there are possible risks involved. These risks include, but are not limited to, possible illness or exposure to COVID-19. While Zoia will do its best to sanitize and adhere to all health guidelines, the participant will not hold Zoia Yoga LLC or Jhaleh Jiveh responsible for exposure to any illness due to the practice of yoga. 

I understand that it is my responsibility to consult a physician prior to participating in yoga classes. I warrant that I am physically fit and do not have any medical conditions which would prevent me from participating in yoga classes including hot yoga.

I recognize the various suggested poses should be approached in a gentle fashion. If any movement brings discomfort, I know to modify the pose as deemed necessary to my physical needs.
I agree to assume full responsibility for any injuries sustained and I release Zoia Yoga And Wellness, LLC from any and all liability as a consequence of my participation in yoga classes as well as owner Jhaleh Jiveh from any personal responsibility as a result of an injury.
I also certify that if I am a professional athlete, I have consented to participate in physical activity and will not hold Zoia Yoga and Wellness, LLC or owner Jhaleh Jiveh responsible for any injury occurred that may affect my ability to compete.
All retail sales are final. We offer a credit or exchange within 14 days of purchase and with a receipt.

PLEASE NOTE, We have a 4-hour late Cancellation or No show fee. We understand sometimes an unexpected absence can occur, but every late cancellation is subject to the $15 fee, which is automatically is charged to your Credit card.

By signing I certify that I am 18 years of age or above and have read and fully understand this consent form/waiver & release Zoia Yoga LLC of all liability should injury occur during my practice, and accept its contents in entirety:

Participant Signature Date
If the participant is under age 18: As legal guardian of a minor, I consent to the above terms and conditions.
I agree to the Zoia Yoga and Wellness liability waiver

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