12 classes a month.
Thank you for your purchase! Please remember there is a 4 payment minimum commitment. After your 4 payments are completed your membership will consistently and always roll into a 4 more month cycle. Auto-Pay / Debiting month by month (not all upfront). If you need to cancel you will need to give us your 30 day on the first date of your 4th month. Late Cancel Policy: we require you cancel your class 8 hours before your scheduled class. ($15) fee if you miss this timeframe. If you cancel 1 hour before class and or No Show your class a ($23) fee will apply. By selecting to purchase this contract you are agreeing to our terms.
REFORM Membership $209.00Recurring Qty: 1
payment schedule
- Recurring amount $209.00
- Due Every month
- Duration 12 months
Cost Today
Today's total
One-time items, like registration fees, will be charged today only
By clicking "Confirm," you agree to receiving SMS from Truecore GTX to the number on your profile with updates about your reservation.
SMS Texting Terms