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Liability waiver
Participation in classes at The Yoga Underground includes, but is not limited to, participation in meditation techniques, breathing techniques, and performing various yoga postures. Yoga and physical exercise is an individual experience. I understand that in yoga, as well as in life, I will progress at my own pace. If at any point I feel overexerted or fatigued, I will respect both my body and mind’s limitations and I will rest before continuing.

By signing below, I acknowledge that participation in yoga class exposes me to a possible risk of physical injury. I am fully aware of this risk and release The Yoga Underground and any other persons who may teach at The Yoga Underground from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected with, my participation in yoga or any other exercise.

My signature further acknowledges that I shall not now, or at any other time in the future, bring any legal action against The Yoga Underground, or any other persons who may teach at The Yoga Underground; and that this waiver is binding on me, my heirs, my spouse, my children, my legal representatives, my successors, and my assigns.

My signature verifies that I am physically fit to participate in yoga classes. If I am pregnant, become pregnant, or am post-natal, my signature verifies that I am participating in yoga with my doctor’s full approval. Furthermore, I recognize that this studio uses hands-on adjustments and understand that it is my responsibility to notify the teacher if I do not like adjustments or have any injuries. 
I understand that photo and video are sometimes taken in class for promotional material and advertisement and I give my permission for The Yoga Underground to do so.
The Yoga Underground has a yoga therapy dog named Rumi, who is sometimes at class to provide comfort. It is my responsibility to notify the teacher if I am allergic. 
Studio Etiquette 
  • NO CELL PHONES in the studio!
  • NO SHOES in the studio!
  • Please be kind and respectful to other students and the instructor.
  • Come to class willing to try new things -- leave your ego at the door!
I agree to the The Yoga Underground liability waiver

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